Free Tutorials

This page contains all the the free tutorial I've created.

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Modeling A Procedural Fan using houdini 16

  • Learn how to model a Procedural Fan In Houdini 16

Multi-Camera Projection setup in nuke -Latest

  • Project into a single object using different cameras and nicely blend between the different projections.


    Melt FX Using smoke solver IN houdini

    1. Creating the melting fx using smoke solver
    2. Shading the volume to have a a dense look
    3. Shading the volume to have a lava like look


    Dissolve FX using particles

    1. Setting up the projection to get the particles colors from texture
    2. Creating the masks
    3. Setting up the simulation
    4. Tweaking the simulation

    introduction to arnold for houdini -Complete

      23 videos explaining all the basic concepts of Arnold and how to use it in Houdini

      Big thanks to Urban Bradesko  for editing the videos.

      GridMarkets Featured Houdini Artist: Saber Jlassi

      An article I wrote for GridMarket containing a variety of advice that every vfx artist should know about.